
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Losing Track of Time

With all the snow days going on here, we are currently on day six. I have lost track of what day of the week it is

. Don’t get me wrong, this can be a good thing. I have enjoyed the lack of evening activities for the family, no practices to go to, no meetings to go to. That adds up to more family time.  We have been cooking

Gingerbread Cake
While the weather rages, kids are coloring; even the big kids, playing Wii, even a board game tournament. Not only have we had record breaking snow we have had record breaking low temperatures, morning lows below zero.  For a part of the country that relies on the help of Mother Nature to help remove the snow the record breaking lows have meant that the snow has stayed on the ground much longer than the normal two to three days. In fact, we still had significant snow on the ground and the roads in neighborhoods before today’s snow began.  Hopefully next week we will get back to normal routines, but for now I am enjoying having everyone home and this slower paced life. Come to think of it, do I want those normal routines, with kids having practice till 7pm 3-4 nights a week, scouts and church? I am loving my nights home with the family.

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